The holiday season is coming up and there are many conversations about how to celebrate. Living in this year of unprecedented times might just make us want to give up, keep our pajamas on and order take-out. As much as we all love a good take-out and PJ night, this year more than any other year marks the importance of celebrating.

Studies show that those who engage in celebratory traditions and gratitude have more energy, less anxiety and overall better mental health. Additionally, traditions give children a greater sense of security. With all the uncertainty this year has given, it has to be in our best interest to keep our family celebrations as consistent as possible!

Following are some ideas to help keep our holidays special.

Mail a Holiday Card

With social media on the rise, it is easy to get lax about mailing photo Holiday cards. In this socially distanced world, now more than ever is a time to feel connected to those we care about. Receiving mail is so much more personal than a post or direct message.

A great styling choice for your photo card is coordinated Holiday attire. For the young girls in your life, we have many holiday dresses perfect for the photo. Additionally, we started producing boy’s and men’s ties to coordinate.

A perfect matching duo is this solid green dress with plaid sash and collar and the boy’s plaid tie.

Our Christmas tree trim dress has been a best seller this holiday season. Another way to coordinate brother and sister for the holidays and photos is with this adorable john john and dress.

Set Your Table

It is believed that a beautiful table setting affects one’s enjoyment of the meal. As Joseph Addison said “There is nothing that makes its way more directly to the soul than beauty.” After so much effort is put into making the meal, don’t tarnish the experience by not giving the dinner the presentation it deserves. If you have a guest list for just your family of four or perhaps a slightly larger gathering, make your table as special as the day.

Keep the Traditions Going

Regardless of what the holiday season will look like, there are many more traditions that can be observed.

  • Play holiday music.
  • Bake your favorite holiday treats with your children.
  • Give to others. Find an organization or individual with needs and spread some cheer.
  • Take a drive to look at Christmas lights.
  • Do a Secret Santa porch drop off.
  • Watch holiday movies.

Last and most important – Dress UP

This past year has been a blur of sweatpants and t-shirts. When we look better, we feel better. So many things are special on a holiday, from the food, table setting and loved ones. Being dressed up makes us feel special.

Do well. Live well. And dress really well.